helen41 wrote:I've been a bit frantic for votes, and yesterday I voted for others from the top to the bottom of a wall of people asking for votes. It took me 90 minutes, and at the end I felt like my eyeballs were going to fall out of my head. I posted my contest, per the rules, and one person voted. One.bythebooks wrote:I have a question for all the experienced sweepers. About what would you say is the return rate for your votes? (i.e. like for every 3 votes you vote for others, you get 1 vote in return)
I'm really new at this, and it feels like I voted until I can't find any new entries, but only received a couple of votes back. Is this just the way it is? Or do you guys have tips to boost the numbers?
I think there has to be careful moderation, like they have here, or it simply doesn't work. At least it doesn't work if you are honest....it worked for a lot of people on that wall LOL
is this about another place or here? if its a problem here I can look into it